How credit unions are speeding up merchant-funded rewards

As merchants seek alternatives to paying swipe fees associated…

A Guide For Banks: Top Five Things To Ask Your Tech Vendors

From my experience as the founder of a tech company that partners…

Gen Z Should Be the Credit Union Generation

Prizeout integrates with a CU’s mobile banking and online…

18 Creative Customer Loyalty Program Ideas For Small Businesses

Be personal. Most loyalty programs are transactional, so small…

Rethinking The Future Of Online Advertising

The future of adtech is something where you should see a direct…

Press Release: Stanford Federal Credit Union Now Live with Prizeout

Live integration with Prizeout technology will give members…

How Prizeout Built a Startup on Snowflake: Episode 1

Get an inside look at how startup Prizeout built their company…

Growing With a Fintech’s Help – Intentionally and Safely

Select fintech partners based on your CU's specific growth goals…

Why Ad-Tech Should Be a Credit Union’s Core Investment

Through collaboration, CUs can find an ad-tech solution that…